Sunday, July 15, 2012

Venezia La Luna e Tu

Good evening from Venice! Mom and I arrived yesterday and have been relaxing and enjoying the cool breezes! Our hotel is right on the water- what a pretty view!

After checking into the hotel, we decided to use yet another Rick Steves audio guide to explore the Grand Canal via vaporetto, aka public boat bus. It was so strange yet so nice to be in a city with no cars, only boats!
Venice  is gorgeous, and it was fun floating down the canal, enjoying the scenery and learning about the city’s history.

Along the way, we also passed by famous sites such as Saint Mark’s Square, the Doge’s Palace, and of course, the Bridge of Sighs.

Mom and I spent the rest of the day wandering the cute side streets of Venice, eating in little restaurants, and taking pictures.

It was weird to see how the city is barely above sea level- one restaurant’s patio even went straight into the canal!

Last night was also a festival night, so while hordes of people and boats packed into the main city square, Mom and I enjoyed the beautiful evening and watching the fireworks from a sleepy church square right next to our hotel!

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