Monday, July 9, 2012

Rocky Road to Dublin

We were sad to be leaving Killarney- Mom and I really enjoyed that town! On the way to our first stop, we drove through some really cute towns- according to our guide, it’s very common for houses in the Republic of Ireland to be very brightly colored!

Our big stop for the day was Blarney Castle, home of the Blarney Stone. For those who may not know, legend has it that kissing the Blarney Stone gives the “gift of the gab,” or the ability to talk your way into or out of any situation.

We got there very early so as to beat the crowds, which was great! Before heading up, we practiced our kissing faces:

 It’s amazing how small and narrow the inside of castles are- they’re always bigger in the movies!  Here’s the great hall…

The VERY narrow stairs..

And the inside of the castle from the battlements.

The Blarney Stone is located up on the battlements of the castle. However, kissing said stone is a wee bit precarious…

Yes, that is me, and yes, I am hanging over the edge of the castle to kiss the Stone! Here’s Mom and I post Blarney Stone- do we look more eloquent? J

The castle also has very beautiful grounds, which Mom and I enjoyed walking in!

After Blarney Castle, we started making our way to our final city in Ireland, Dublin. Along the way we stopped for a photo op at the Rock of Cashel.

After a long drive, we made our way to our hotel in Dublin. Fun sight in the city along the way- a pub Aunt Pat and I had gone to on our musical pub crawl last time we were here:

After getting cleaned up, we ended the night with a night of Irish cabaret, where we enjoyed spending time with our tour mates.

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