Friday, June 29, 2012

Second Day in Scotland

Day Two had us leaving Edinburgh for the beautiful wilds of the Scottish Highlands. Our first stop of the day was Saint Andrews, famous for golf and the local university. I'm afraid the magic of golf is quite lost on me.  :) Far more interesting to Mom and I were the ruins of the Abbey- it was very beautiful, even through the rain!

We continued on our way to our hotel in Aviemore, stopping at  small, adorable villages and scenic locations along the way. We are enjoying the cold and wet weather, as it’s a welcome relief from the Bakersfield heat!
After arriving at our hotel, we had a lovely dinner at a nearby hotel and will be preparing for a day of castles and battlefields tomorrow!

First day in Scotland

Started off the day with a nice breakfast at the hotel, then went off with our group on a coach tour of Edinburgh led by a local named Keith.

Next, Keith gave us a tour of Edinburgh Castle, which was just as beatuiful and interesting asI remebered, if much less windy this time! :) It was also very cool to see the castle all set up for the big Military Tatoo in August.

Spent the rest of the day shopping on the Royal Mile, and ended our time in Edinburgh with what could be best descirbed as a Scottish luau- entertaining, but very touristy and not very educational. :) 

Hello from Scotland!

Hello from the Scottish Highlands! Sorry about the lack of posts so far- Mom and I did not have internet in Edinburgh, so we're playing a litte catch up right now! :) Day one started out by getting on a bus to LAX from Bakersfield, which got us there in plenty of time for our flight.
After a VERY long 9 hour flight , we finally landed at Heathrow Airport in London, where we quickly got on a plane to Edinburgh. After getting to the hotel, we had a lovely dinner on the Royal Mile, then crashed at the hotel!